zeb layout pattern


Upskilling for new senior banking executives

Qualification gaps finally closed

„The seminar sessions were short but intense. To me, the board-relevant content was impeccably prepared and presented in a very understandable way, with a firm focus on practical usefulness. I was particularly impressed by the highly motivated lecturers and the interactivity of the seminars.“

- Candidate for board role

a man in a suit and tie
ESG for corporate bankers

Perfect overall view of ESG

„It was brilliant how the different facets of sustainability were put into context. Lots of tips for the practical implementation in our bank, especially for us corporate client advisors. Highly recommended!“

- ESG officer of a regional bank

Studieren zeb
Certified IT Manager (Financial Services)

Ideal preparation for my discussions with regulators about the IT organization

„There were lots of case studies and practical implementation examples in the seminar. In group work and discussions, possible solutions to problems in one’s particular institution were analyzed, always in a relaxed atmosphere.“

- Board member of a cooperative bank

Finance & risk

IL GL Quali Teaser
Bankcontrolling 2.0

Basic controlling knowledge explained simply. Continuation of the Bank Controlling Academy in a particularly comprehensible, compact and innovative format.

ein Kugelschreiber und ein Stapel Münzen
Kostencontrolling 2.0

The “Cost Controlling 2.0” seminar provides a concise overview of what you currently need to know about cost controlling and management in financial institutions.

Fit for the board

§ 25c KWG Geschäftsleiterqualifikation

As a business manager, you need a broad range of knowledge, skills and experience.

a group of people walking in a city
Onboarding für Aufsichtsrats- & Verwaltungsratsmitglieder – Intensivkurs

Are you planning to take on a supervisory board/board of directors position at a financial services provider? We will qualify you for this responsible position.

IL Backdrop Digitalisierung Alternativ
Aufbau-/Vertiefungs-coachings für Verwaltungs-/ Aufsichtsratsmitglieder

Are you already a member of an administrative or supervisory board and want to deepen or expand your expertise? We can support you!

IL Reihe Akademie Bankcontrolling
Update §44 KWG Prüfungspraxis

The regulatory framework for banks has become significantly more complex in recent years. In particular, the requirements in the areas of overall bank management have increased significantly...


Certified Manager Organisation/IT

Optimizing the transformation of FSI with a new IT delivery model that makes banking/insurance better, but also allows “more” than banking/insurance.

AI Workshop 1
AI Bootcamp

Theoretical principles, use cases, challenges and relevant success factors of artificial intelligence.
Practical application of AI, framework conditions for AI projects in your company, best practices and practical examples.

a woman looking at a screen

The increasing mechanization of financial service providers or the disruption of value creation - the challenges facing high-performance IT are manifold.

Hurra, DORA ist da!

DORA is an EU regulation that aims to strengthen digital operational resilience in the financial sector and create a uniform regulation for dealing with IT risks...

And more

a man in a suit and tie

There is a strong focus on identifying and leveraging ESG potential and dealing with ESG risks.

a woman writing on a whiteboard
DLT & Digital Assets

Implications of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and digital assets for the financial sector as well as basic knowledge of possible strategies and corresponding business models.

a group of people standing in a room
Crashkurs ESG

You will comprehensively build up your skills on the subject of sustainability so that you can then put them into practice in your company.

a group of people sitting around a table
Agile Guide Ausbildung

The Agile Guide plays a key role in agile transformation and supports teams and managers in implementing agile methods

Your lecturers

Do you have questions about our certificates or degree programs? Or a completely different request?

We look forward to hearing from you.

For specific appointment requests, please contact Nadja.Kraft@zeb.de ( +4969719153223 )