“Allocating costs to products and customers in line with management strategy has recently regained importance, not least because supervisory authorities have repeatedly criticized inconsistencies and inadequate procedures in their audit reports.”


Stefan Trost, partner, zeb



Cost Controlling 2.0

Cost controlling is one of the oldest disciplines in business administration, but in financial institutions it tends to play only a minor role. Costs are “just there”, i.e. they are not very variable, can rarely be influenced and are difficult to allocate. Controllers have therefore preferred to focus on revenue controlling, as it promised more momentum.

This attitude has come under pressure from both a business and supervisory perspective, which is why the topic should no longer be neglected. Issues of cost allocation, but also of unit costs and an orderly controlling system are becoming more and more important in evaluating business areas and individual transactions and are also increasingly in the focus of regulatory audits.

In our “Cost Controlling 2.0” seminar, we provide you with a concise overview of what you need to know about cost controlling and management in financial institutions today. Based on best practices and insights into supervisory findings you will see how the tools of cost controlling can be successfully applied, even if this does not always correspond to “pure doctrine”. For instance, tried and tested approaches relating to cost allocation, unit costs, P&L conformity or cost-oriented price limits will be discussed. Using case studies and interactive discussion formats, you will join in developing the “right” approach and evaluating the suitability of practical integration methods. 


Target audience: 

The “Cost Controlling 2.0” seminar is aimed at all employees of financial services providers who would like to gain state-of-the-art knowledge of cost management or bring themselves up to speed.

  • Presentation of various areas of cost controlling with detailed brush-ups and insights into current best practices
  • Insights into current regulatory requirements and findings on cost allocation, pricing and controlling cycles
  • Discussion of valuation methods: full costing vs. direct costing philosophy
  • Focus topic: cost allocation, particularly against the background of a healthy cost-benefit ratio
  • Focus topic: unit costs for customer, product and individual transaction allocation
  • Selected case studies are worked on, and their practical use is discussed



The seminar “Cost Controlling 2.0” is an online training course. It takes place from 09:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.


For more detailed information or a quote, feel free to contact us.


After successfully completing the seminar, you will receive a certificate of participation from us.

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We look forward to hearing from you.

For specific appointment requests, please contact Nadja.Kraft@zeb.de ( +4969719153223 )