Buildings in Germany and Europe account for a significant proportion of total national energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions. In view of many governments’ net-zero ambition and rising energy prices, it is hardly surprising that both policymakers and property owners are increasingly grappling with issues such as energy labels, carbon footprints, energy-efficient living space and government subsidies.
This is where real estate financing advisors – both retail and commercial – at banks can make a qualitative difference in terms of customer advisory services and set themselves apart from the competition: in addition to identifying financing requirements, they can provide customers with tangible support on their personal pathway to net zero. We firmly believe that the integration of ESG into customer advisory services requires a skillful combination of specialist ESG knowledge and sales coaching based on simulated meetings.
Our motto: learn from the best. That’s why we have a strong partner from the real estate industry on board! As part of our exclusive in-house certification “Integrating ESG topics in mortgage financing” experts from Deutsche Immobilienakademie (DIA, German Real Estate Academy) will teach you the specialist content in 12 interactive webinars. This can easily be applied to different jurisdications as well. You will then apply the expert knowledge you have acquired in simulated advisory sessions.
The course is intended for real estate financing advisors and their managers who want to integrate sustainability into their advisory services.
As part of 12 interactive webinars, we will teach you the following module content in cooperation with our experts:
Sustainability in the real estate industry
Climate targets, taxonomy, decarbonization
Energy status of existing buildings in Germany and in Europe
Investment requirements for real estate
Implications and provisions from the German “Heating Act” – an example for other European countries as well?
Measures required to achieve the climate targets
Options for action for property owners
Energy efficiency measurement
Real estate value drivers
Energy-efficient refurbishment measures I: roof, facades, windows
Energy-efficient refurbishment measures II: heating and ventilation
Real-life case studies: modernization
Potential support from the banking industry
Strategy and transformation path
Overview of state-sponsored funding programs
We then work with you to transfer the new knowledge into practice:
In sales coachings, participants consolidate what they have learned by taking part in advisory simulations in small groups and 1-on-1 situations. This ensures the successful transfer of theoretical knowledge into practice.
In addition, a separate ESG campaign management module can be integrated for managers.
Please get in touch for a customized offer. Please get in touch for a customized offer. Contact:
Dr. Dominik Englisch, phone: +49.251.97128.435
Online & classroom training. Can be organized at zeb locations or in-house upon request.
12 webinars of 90 minutes each. Classroom sessions depending on group size. Schedule to be determined individually.
After successful participation you will receive a certificate from Deutsche Immobilienakademie (DIA) and zeb.business school.