Here is a list of publicly available recommended reading titles for our certificate program “Certified Manager in ORG/IT for Financial Services”. The publications provide helpful insights into the topic area of IT org. and mgmt. in financial services.
BaFin (2018): Bankaufsichtliche Anforderungen an die IT (BAIT), in: Circular 10/2017 (BA) as amended August 16, 2021.
Bearing Point (2016): IT-Sourcing in der Versicherungsbranche (IT sourcing in the insurance industry), presentation of study findings, BearingPoint GmbH, Frankfurt.
Blankfein, L (2017): Banken im Umbruch | Technologie trifft Mensch, presentation at the 22nd Handelsblatt Conference “Banken im Umbruch” (Banks in Transition), on September 6, 2018 in Frankfurt.
Borchers, J. (2007): Erfahrungen im Off- und Nearshoring in Deutschland (Experiences in Off- and Nearshoring in Germany), in the context of the 1st meeting of the GI working group “Software Offshoring” on June 15, 2007 in Frankfurt.
Deloitte (2020): Verschärfte Anforderungen an die IT und geplante Novellierungen der MaRisk und BAIT (Stricter requirements for IT and planned amendments to MaRisk and BAIT), published by Deloitte Deutschland
Deloitte (2021): Zero-based budgeting – Senior executives share insights into zero-based budgeting processes
Dissanayake, A. (2012): What is IT-Business Alignment?, white paper by Pink Elephant